The Story Behind Everlasting Moments

The Story Behind Everlasting Moments

Hello and nice to meet you! My name is Tessa I am a wife, mom of two, and I am the creator and founder of Everlasting Moments Jewelry. I found my passion for breastmilk jewelry during my pregnancy with my second baby. I was working part time while staying home with my first born and wanted to find something to keep me busy, like a toddler and new baby wouldn't be doing enough of that. I had always been interested in breastmilk jewelry since I had an amazing breastfeeding journey with my first born. I immediately knew this was my passion project. 

Without the support from my husband I would not be here. He was the person who originally encouraged me to try breast feeding, and he is the person who has always been behind my back throughout starting my business. With his help I have been able to support hundreds of mothers throughout their breastfeeding journeys creating special pieces that will be with them through their lifetime. 

I am so thankful for all of the wonderful people I have met throughout this journey and cannot wait to get to know you and your story. 

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